In 2019, the German government put into place regulations that would reform the property tax system. The reason the property tax system is being reformed is because the way the taxes are currently valued are based on standard values from 1935 to 1964, which are considered outdated. This reform is being implemented now.
If you own property in Germany, you must submit details about your property to the tax office for your area. The information you submit will include details of your property up through January 1, 2022. This information has to be submitted digitally. Your declaration is called “Erklärung zur Feststellung des Grundsteuerwerts” or declaration to determine your property tax value.
Official Information From The Rheinland-Pfalz
The deadline for your property tax return is between July 1st, 2022 and October 31st, 2022. The link below includes information in English regarding the reform for the Rheinland-Pfalz area.
Register Before You Submit Your Tax Declaration
Before you submit your property tax declaration, you will first need to register with the website “ELSTER”.
It will take approximately two weeks to receive your login data. After you receive that data you can begin to fill out the required information. The deadline to submit all required property tax information is October 31, 2022.
The form for the tax reform documentation became available on July 1st. After reviewing the process, we recommend that you work with your German tax professional to complete the required documentation.
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